Ice Fishing in Alaska: Unlimited Fun for the Entire Family 

by Pristine Beers | White Lilac Cleaning - March 2, 2020

Whether you’re a resident or a tourist, you shouldn’t miss out on the relaxation and fun that ice fishing in Alaska entails. It is the ideal activity for the entire family, as it provides the perfect opportunities for socializing and enjoying the beauty of nature during the winter months.

If you’ve never gone ice-fishing before, you probably have no idea where to begin. Luckily, we’ve prepared a brief beginner guide that can help make your ice-fishing experience as enjoyable as can be. Read on!

Bring the right equipmentFish away

The first step in your ice fishing experience is applying for a license. Once that’s in order, it’s time to get your gear. The first piece of equipment you’re gonna need is an auger, a device used to drill holes in the ice. You can get augers in a variety of sizes, but you’ll probably need a simple 6 to 8 inches hand auger.

Next, you will need your rod and reel. As a beginner, you won’t need anything more advanced than a simple eight-pound line and a stiff rod. You can also use another line as a tip-up trap if you wish to have a better chance of catching fish. Also, you should get minnows, rod holders, an ice scooper, a bucket and perhaps bring a portable barbecue if you wish to grab a bite.

Dress warmly

We don’t need to remind you that Alaska gets cold throughout the year, not just in winter. Make sure to wear a warm winter jacket as well as insulated pants to fight off the cold. Also, make sure to wear waterproof boots and bring extra gloves just in case. A nice hat and scarf are also advisable, especially if the weather is windy.

Dress warmlyStay safe

It’s essential that you take all the necessary safety measures while ice fishing, especially if you’re bringing your kids along. For starters, you should make sure that the ice is strong enough to hold your weight before stepping on it. The ice should be at least 4 inches thick. You can ask around at tackle shops and look for places that are known as good spots for ice fishing. Once you arrive at the spot, use your auger to drill a hole and check the thickness of the ice.

If you wish to be as comfortable and safe as can be while ice fishing, you should also consider renting a hut or purchasing a portable shelter. Huts are a great option as they typically come fully equipped and are located near popular fishing spots.

Fish away

Now it’s time to use your auger. First, you’ll want to carefully remove the cover from the blades and place them on the ice where you want your hole to be. Then apply pressure, a good amount, on the auger. You should hear a grinding noise when drilling your hole.

Once you’ve drilled your hole, get down to setting up your lines and lures. The best way to ensure a catch is to let your them sink as far down to the bottom as possible and reel the minnows up two feet.

Choose a good spot and start fishing!Bring the right equipment

If you’re an ice fishing aficionado, your main goal is probably to ensure a good catch. However, if you’re a beginner trying your hand at ice fishing just for fun, you’ll probably enjoy the experience even if the fishing part isn’t too successful. You’ll get to spend some quality time with your loved ones outdoors, without worries. What’s not to love?

Pick your ice fishing spot today and prepare yourself for an unforgettable experience! What’s more, you can also reach out to White Lilac and have your home cleaned to perfection while you enjoy some fun times on the ice. Give us a call!