The Dangers of Not Cleaning Your Home

by Pristine Beers | White Lilac Cleaning - March 1, 2022

Dangers-of-Not-Cleaning-Your-HomeEver since the pandemic began, people have started cleaning more frequently. Those who have busy lives sometimes don’t have the time for housework, so they hire house cleaning services in Anchorage. But if it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned your home, it’s only natural that you worry about your health.

It’s a well-known fact a clean home is a healthy environment, and keeping it that way requires effort and planning. Neglecting this chore can lead to some health hazards, and in this article, you’ll learn exactly what happens and how to prevent it, so keep reading.

What happens if you don’t clean your house?

You may be wondering how not cleaning can affect your home. There are numerous things to watch out for, but the most common are:

Clutter-induced stress

When your rooms are filled with unnecessary items that don’t have a home or a purpose, you tend to get stressed without even knowing it. Too many objects mess up your focus and even thinking about tackling the chaos is overwhelming.

Since holidays are the season of gifts, you end up with more items than you need, and it’s best to declutter before Christmas, to make room for new things you’ll bring into your home. Find a place for every item and put it back when it’s not in use.

Bacteria and germ infestation

Leaving dirty dishes and food overnight already results in a funky smell. Neglecting it for a few days can lead to bug infestation, mold, bacteria development, and before you know it, your kitchen is full of germs. It becomes a dangerous place because of the many diseases you can get.

Try to take out the trash as soon as the bin fills up, clean your garbage disposal at least once a week, do your dishes every evening, and dispose of any spoiled food as soon as possible to prevent this.

Mold and mildew in the bathroom

It’s no secret that the bathroom is the dirtiest room in every home. You should try and clean it at least twice a week and make sure that it’s dry after every use. Any moisture may lead to developing mold and mildew which can be difficult to remove. Also, forgetting to clean around the toilet is the biggest mistake people tend to make, as it can result in bacteria overload.

Allergies and dust mites

Having a layer of dust over your furniture can literally be breathtaking. Even if you aren’t allergic to dust, you still run the risk of serious health problems.. Since there is no way to prevent it from occupying your home, the best thing you can do is to tackle it twice a week so there’s not enough time for the dust mites to move in. Use a vacuum cleaner for a quicker clean-up.

Can you get sick from not cleaning your house?

The result of all of these is your health deteriorating. Mold weakens your immune system, dust makes it difficult to breathe and germs can cause various diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, or kidney infections.

What-happens-when-you-dont-clean-your-homeWhere can I find reliable house cleaning services in Anchorage?

Whether you forgot to clean before you went on a vacation or you’ve neglected your home for far too long, don’t worry, White Lilac is here for you! We team up with meticulous maids that will help you with the mess in no time. Instead of worrying about the germs and bacteria, grab your coat and enjoy a relaxing day off by visiting Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center with your loved ones. Contact us today!