Construction Dust: Everything You Need to Know

by Pristine Beers | White Lilac Cleaning - June 30, 2022

What is construction dustDue to its fine texture and size, construction dust is the silent enemy for everyone in the construction industry. It can cause various diseases and health problems, so it’s important to be informed about it. During and after construction work, dust flies everywhere and easily sticks to any type of surface, so it can be pretty tricky for cleaning.

Once your home in Anchorage, AK, is freshly built or renovated, you’ll likely need a post construction cleaning service to help you with the aftermath. The experts are properly equipped with the protective gear and powerful solutions to safely remove every bit of dust in your rooms.

We’ve prepared a comprehensive guide on construction dust and all the dangers that come with it, so keep reading!

What is construction dust?

When your property is under construction, various materials are cut and shaped to the desired sizes. Construction dust forms as a result of these processes, and it can be made out of wood, metal, silica, and other particles. There can sometimes be tiny bits of chemicals and acids in it, making it toxic.

This mixture of ingredients makes the dust stick to anything, even floors and ceiling fixtures. If you don’t clean the rooms thoroughly once the construction is complete, it will linger around and cause problems. Make a checklist to avoid skipping a certain area.

Can you get sick from the construction dust?

The dust particles are so tiny that they can enter your lungs instantly. People who’ve been in contact with construction dust can be prone to developing asthma and other respiratory issues. In more serious instances this can even lead to cancer. This is why it’s crucial to be properly protected if you attempt to clean this type of dust.

Breathing problems develop slowly during frequent encounters with construction dust, as it builds up in the lungs over time. However, even a simple disposable face mask can prevent these problems if your nose, eyes, and mouth are protected.

How do I get rid of construction dust?

Once you’re properly prepared for the post construction cleaning, you need to sweep the dust from every surface, ceiling, and wall, before you even take out the supplies. You’d want to keep your vacuum nearby, as you’ll use it multiple times throughout the process. Be prepared to wipe every surface at least twice, as you’ll need to remove the dust layer by layer.

If all of this sounds complicated and seems like too much work, that’s because it is. You have to set aside a lot of time and energy to thoroughly complete it. However, there’s a way to do it without sacrificing your health. You can always book a post construction cleaning and let the professionals tackle the mess.

Your health is a priority, and you shouldn’t risk injuring yourself to get a clean and renovated room. Give a call to one of the cleaning companies in your area and schedule a visit.

Do you live in Anchorage, AK, and need help with post-construction cleaning?

Can you get sick from the construction dustIf you want to get rid of every single particle of construction dust without risking your health, then White Lilac is the perfect choice for you! We work with maids in Anchorage that are properly trained and equipped with the best supplies for handling any amount of construction dust.

Instead of worrying if your home is clean and healthy, have a relaxing day off and visit the Alyeska Resort with your family and loved ones. Our experts will take care of the dust in your house, while you get the break you deserve. Contact us today!