3 Ways to Clean Hard-to-Reach Areas?

by Pristine Beers | White Lilac Cleaning - March 5, 2024

Like many of us, you’ve probably got those spots in your home that feel overwhelmingly difficult to tackle. Be it the dusty recess behind the fridge or those out-of-reach high shelves, these challenging areas can really test our resolve to keep our homes tidy. 

Fortunately, professional maid services can be a lifesaver whenever you don’t feel like doing the cleaning yourself. Just give them a call and they will make even the most inaccessible places. Nevertheless, you can take on the challenge yourself if you want to! Just keep on reading!

How do you clean hard-to-reach places

How do you clean hard-to-reach places?

To effectively combat dust and dirt in your home, a well-thought-out strategy is crucial. To ensure you’re covering all bases, here are some key points to remember:

Have all the necessary supplies ready

When it comes to effective home upkeep, being well-prepared is half the battle. Whether your goal is to meticulously dust those tricky, often-forgotten nooks or you’re gearing up for a swift yet comprehensive overhaul, having the appropriate tools at hand is essential. This level of preparation not only conserves energy and time but also paves the way for a more streamlined and productive session.

Move furniture around

Underneath your furniture, a collection of dust, debris, stray toys, and even clothing that’s been out of sight for a while can quietly gather, adding to the overall accumulation of dirt in your home. If you can’t reach certain areas with an extension duster, consider gently moving your bed or sofa away from the wall to see what’s hidden behind. However, move furniture carefully if you have hardwood floors.

Support heavy pieces

If you’re dealing with bulky furniture pieces that are tough to shift, like a hefty sofa, it might be a good idea to consider investing in risers or bed lifters. These can help you safely lift just one side of the furniture, giving you enough space to vacuum underneath. However, be cautious: lifting heavy furniture can be risky if not done properly. It may be best to outsource this task to a professional to ensure peace of mind and safety.

What are the best high-reach cleaning tools?

In addition to quality supplies, these are essential for safely and effectively cleaning hard-to-reach areas in your home or office. Here are some of the best tools designed for high-reach cleaning:

  • Telescopic duster: These dusters come with handles that extend, making it a breeze to reach and dust high ceilings, ceiling fans, and even the corners of any room. They often come with a bendable head to reach around fixtures.
  • Extension pole: An extension pole can be attached to various tools, like squeegees, mops, and dusters, to extend your reach. This is especially useful for window cleaning and high walls.
  • Long-handled microfiber mop: A microfiber mop featuring an extendable handle is ideal for effortlessly reaching and cleaning ceilings, walls, and other high areas. Its ability to capture dust and dirt makes it a highly effective tool for keeping these surfaces spotless.
  • Vacuum attachments: Some vacuum cleaners come with special attachments designed specifically for high-up cleaning. Extending hoses and crevice tools can be used to reach the tops of bookcases, shelves, and other tall furniture.
  • Step ladder: A sturdy step ladder is a must-have for safely reaching high places. It provides a stable platform for cleaning tasks that are just out of arm’s reach.
  • Angled broom: Long-handled angled brooms are useful in sweeping dust and cobwebs from ceilings and corners without a ladder.

Who provides reliable maid services in Wasilla?

maid services wasilla

Are you wondering how to effectively manage a deep house clean while sticking to essential home maintenance guidelines? Don’t stress, our expert team is here to help! We’re equipped with a thoroughly vetted crew and an array of top-quality tools and solutions to guarantee your complete satisfaction. We’ve got you covered, no matter if you live near Engine 557 Restoration Company or elsewhere in the area. Reach out to us today!